The Blog
Tahilla Gatherings: Writing and Wellness Retreat
A special event October 20-23, 2022
My Grandmother's Cottage
A poem, my first.
Call of the Wild
Wild encounters on a country road…
A Good Snow, Dahlias and Books...
A little ramble about snow, dahlias and books.
A Poetry Reading with Sharon...
Along the Tahilla Farm Poetry Trail with Sharon Santoni.
Tahilla Gatherings with Sharon Santoni
Join us for two very special Tahilla Gatherings events!
Embracing the Hippie...
The Hippie Stick, cashmere, inspiring women and their brands.
Under the chestnut tree…
True compassion under the chestnut tree.
For the Love of Books...
Talking about books…
Retreat Into the Woods
A time to feel and touch the earth again…
Expat Life: Australia
Landscape of Memory: Part Three
Expat Life: The Beginning
Landscape of Memory: Part Two